If you need help with fretting and technique. This may be a little hard for you to play due to the stretch when making this chord.

Third finger is at the first string on the third fret.Second finger is at the Third fret of the sixth string.First finger is at the second fret fifth string.You choose which one is more comfortable for you to play. There are several Ways to place your fingers to make the G Major Chord. If your good with reading them take a look at the G chord. If you need help reading a chord diagram you can look at this quick explanation of how to read chord charts. Let me break these down with chord diagrams.

Like I said I wanted to create a lesson that you could understand and play with some practice. Let’s start with the chords that we will be using in this beginners version of the song. Guitar Fingerboard Breakthrough Eric Clapton Wonderful Tonight Guitar Chords So if your ready grab your guitar and lets learn this easy song on guitar Wonderful Tonight That should be enough to get you up and running.