Museum of Freedom, on the roof in a crash-landed Vertibird.Ashmaker, a unique minigun, gained by completing The Big Dig quest.When fired continuously, the minigun's barrel cluster glows ever hotter, eventually reaching a bright yellow color.Ī minigun can easily be obtained at low levels by completing the quest When Freedom Calls, as the Sole Survivor is given one to defend the Museum of Freedom from raiders and a deathclaw. The minigun fires large volumes of low-damage shots with a high spread, rendering it difficult to take down enemies with larger defensive stats, even with investment in the Heavy Gunner perk. As can be expected from a motorized rotary gun, it expends ammunition at a high rate, even more so when equipped with accelerated barrels. It requires a moment to spin up before it actually starts firing, but makes up for the delay with a high rate of fire and large ammunition capacity.

Miniguns can be found as mounted door guns on Vertibirds or as a handheld heavy assault and support weapon.

The minigun is a motorized Gatling-style rapid fire weapon commonly employed by the military, or other lesser factions that managed to acquire such a weapon.